I don't remember which pahse I was supposed to give this type of bug report, but I figure it can't hurt to post them anyways...
- On the difficulty selection scrolling through you can goto cakewalk to crippeling, but not crippeling to cakewalk.
- If military spending is set to 0% when you hit build the pop-up dialogue says -1 yearss to build and the other areas is shows a very large number(probably max int) probably a divide by 0.
- My game ended cause I was wamming on the turn button and the autosave came up and I kept hitting it, I don't have any logs cause I wasn't runing smart exception or anything, will test out further later.
A few other things I noticed.
The default custom race screen leave the ship really dark on my screen, it was kinda hard to see there was a ship there at all, maby some lighter default colors would just look a little nicer at first.
The buildings on planets are faded out while they are qued up, but also when they are finished they still seem faded... I think finished buildings should not be faded at all so its easier to distinguise between whatsdone and not.
Nothing else comes to mind right now... seems A LOT more stable and was fun to play... I'm going to test it out more when I have some more time for sure!
Hmmm... the game crashed on me and the music is still playing as well... probably and issue with my comp, just thought I would add that in.