Well I don't really need another blog site... but I never did test out joeuser.com at all...
Published on December 17, 2007 By darkhelmet_OG In Game Developers

screenshot003So we finally went ahead and released our game, Electropy.  It's been a long long process but it is so exciting to have created something and to start selling it.  I've been handling a lot of the business aspect, registering the LLC, getting set up with the IRS, figuring out how to do the accounting.  It's a lot of work but I've never had as much fun working 20 hour days.  We entered the IGF student showcase competition back in October and the finalists are released tomorrow, it is very nerve wrecking to think about.  If we make it into the finalists we get to go to GDC which would be an amazing experience.  If we don't make it into the finalists it would certainly suck, but it won't stop us.  We've already got our next game planned, it's a bit funny as it turns out we are all going to be working on a game I started earlier and even posted here on Joe User.


Overall I'm still stunned on how quickly this has all come together.  We've been working on Electropy for quite a long time but it really took off this semester.  I know we've all wanted to start this company since high school, or even middle school but I never thought it would have come together like this till after college.  My boss at the College of Business IT department at CSU said when an opportunity like this comes up you just have to go for it, and we certainly are.  It is nice though to have a bit of security of going to college because I'm still under my parent's support for health insurance, which is my biggest concern because it would be very expensive for a small business to have health insurance, but this way we can get the company started and see how well we do.



We've gotten a lot of feedback on the game already.  The engine is rock solid and we haven't heard of any problems with it yet.  Some complaints about the art style and difficulty come up and the most I will say to that is this game is not for everyone, but if you like it you'll end up playing for hours.  I'm really excited to see what levels users will be making with the editor, its amazing home much user created content can expand a game, some of the ships in Galactic Civilizations II are crazy.


Well, try out the demo if you are interested and I hope you enjoy it enough to buy it.  I personally look for more recognition then sales at this point, if we made 10,000 demo downloads I would be very pleased.

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